
Migrants Are Coming: Caravan From Central America Resumes Movement Towards US

US Materials 12 November 2018 00:57 (UTC +04:00)

The migrant flow coming from Central American countries stopped in Mexico's capital for a brief rest, while the US has been working on reinforcing its border in accordance with directives from President Donald Trump, Sputnik reports.

The migrant caravan, consisting mostly of Honduran citizens, has resumed the journey towards the US border in search for a better life after a several-day-long stop in Mexico City. Migrants are using all sorts of vehicles to leave the city and move north — trains, trucks and cars. Some of them are travelling by foot.

At the same time, US security, reinforced by some 5.000 troops, are continuing to strengthen the border with Mexico by installing fences topped with barbed-wire. Part of the border has already been covered by the first section of the so-called "Trump-wall."

Apart from sending US military personnel to the border to stop the migrant "invasion," the US president undertook other initiatives to further discourage migrants from crossing the border illegally. He signed an immigration order barring illegal migrants from applying for asylum, requiring them to do so only at border entry checkpoints.

