
Russia Never Withdraw Recognition of South Osetia and Abkhazia: Russian MP

Politics Materials 3 October 2008 02:38 (UTC +04:00)

France , Strasbourg , 2 October / c orr Trend A.Maharramli / Konstantin Kosachev , the h ead of Russian delegation to the Parliament Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE), voiced his disappointment with a resolution adopted Thursday evening [2 October] on the Georgia-Abkhazia conflict .

Kosachev said that PACE had not taken active position and Russia had to undertake rescue mission for peaceful residence of people in conflict area .

Head of the delegation also stated that the resolution does not contain any paragra p h related to Georgia . " The document mainly criticizes Russia ," Kosachev said .

" Russia will never change its position in terms of recognition of South Osetia and Abkhazia ," Leonid Slutskiy , a Russian parliamentary representative said . He stated that Russia did not fear of PACE's sanctions and had never changed its position in such a serious issues .

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