The President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev issued an order regarding measures for the stimulation of labour of employees of enterprises, departments and organizations located at height of 1,200 meters above sea level, Trend reports.
To motivate labour and to improve the social protection of employees of enterprises, departments and organizations, salaries will be increased by 1.1 times for people working at a height 1,200 to 1,500 m. above sea level, 1.2 times for people working at a height of 1,500-2,000 m. and 1.3 times for people working at a height of 2,000 m. and more.
The finance for the enterprises, departments and organizations financed from the State Budget will be allocated by the State, and the remaining enterprises, departments and organizations will be responsible for their own finance. This Order will be effective from 1 January 2007.