20 August
Azerbaijan restored supply of liquefied gas to Georgia
Korean company presented the project on construction new wind energy station in Azerbaijan
New plant on concrete production was opened in Sumgayit
Chairman of the Management of the Azerbaijani Insurance Company get retired
New coating plant was constructed in Azerbaijani region
21 August
Oil Fund of Azerbaijan chouse financial accounting
Azerbaijani President issued decree on approving the bill on compulsory insurance of civil responsibilities of auditor
22 August
Iranian President renewed date for the summit of the Caspian States' heads in Tehran
Azerbaijan and Georgia discussed project developed by the Turkish feasibility study on Baku-Tbilisi-Kars
Korean company agreed with Shell on negotiation of the part of share in the biggest Azerbaijani oil and gas project
Azerbaijani President met with Endy English, the executive director of BP on prospecting and development
23 August
Composition of the Alliance of hazel nuts exporters has been defined in Azerbaijan
Sources on financing the events of the Azerbaijani juice exporters Alliance have been defined
Azerbaijani Government prolonged negotiations with the Asian Bank of Development on multitranche package for traffic
24 August
International Bank of Azerbaijan sold own re-insurance company InterProtect Re AG
International Insurance Company made decision on receiving international rating
Azerbaijan acquired the first French airline