
Disparity of Azerbaijan’s Higher Education Program to International Standards Hinders Reciprocal Recognition of Diplomas with Turkey: Minister

Society Materials 13 November 2008 13:23 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, 13 November / Trend , corr. J.Babayeva/ Disparity of the Azerbaijan's education program to international standards hinders the reciprocal recognition of diplomas between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

"The problems of reciprocal recognition of diplomas will be evident until Azerbaijan's medical and legal education will not respond international standards," Azerbaijan Education Minister Misir Mardnov said at the meeting with the Chairman of the Turkish Higher Education Committee Yusif Ziya Ozcan.

Ozcan pays two day visit to Azerbaijan. He is expected to meet with rectors of Universities and Turkish students in Azerbaijan.

There are 4,500 Turkish students who receive education in Azerbaijan and 599 Azerbaijani students in Turkey.

The problems with mutual recognition of diplomas, according to Ozcan, will be removed as soon as the higher education program of Azerbaijan will meet international standards. "We hope that the problems will be tackled in time," Ozcan added.

According to the Minister, parents of students, who study at medical and juridical faculties, express dissatisfaction when the issue is to meet international standards. "Parents oppose that the medical education will last 12 years and demand reciprocal recognition of diplomas," Mardanov said.

These problems will continue until the law 'On education' will be adopted, Mardanov added.

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