
Azerbaijani Army servicemen join training in Türkiye (PHOTO)

Society Materials 22 May 2024 19:57 (UTC +04:00)
Azerbaijani Army servicemen join training in Türkiye (PHOTO)
Gulnara Karimova
Gulnara Karimova
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 22. A group of servicemen from the Azerbaijan Army’s engineer-sapper units is taking part in courses held in Izmir, Türkiye, Trend reports via the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense.

Sappers studied the features of modern engineering equipment and improved their practical skills in reconnaissance, detection, and neutralization of mines, unexploded ordnance using mine detectors, methods of detonation and burning, as well as other activities, following the safety measures of improvised explosives.

The courses are focused on increasing professionalism and improving the skills of combat training of servicemen on engineering support, as well as their capabilities in the effective use of modern engineering equipment and devices.

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