
Azerbaijani wrestler wins gold at European Championships in Baku

Society Materials 24 May 2024 19:44 (UTC +04:00)
Azerbaijani wrestler wins gold at European Championships in Baku
Ingilab Mammadov
Ingilab Mammadov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 24. Azerbaijani athlete Zhala Aliyeva won a gold medal at the European U-23 Wrestling Championships in Baku, Trend reports.

With a final score of 5:3, she defeated Türkiye's Elvira Kamaloglu in the 57 kg weight category.

While another Azerbaijani athlete, Marziya Sadigova (72 kg), will compete for the bronze medal today.

To note, Azerbaijani wrestlers have won a total of 10 medals at the European Championships being held from May 20 to 26.

The continent champions include Ziya Babashov (63 kg), Khasay Hasanli (77 kg), and Gurban Gurbanov (82 kg).
Nihad Guluzade (60 kg) won the silver medal, Rashad Mammadov (55 kg), Ruslan Nurullayev (72 kg), Lachin Valiyev (87 kg), Murad Ahmadiyev (97 kg), Elnur Mammadov (53 kg), and Ruzanna Mammadova (59 kg) became bronze medalists.

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