
IMF holds seminar in Turkmenistan to combat illegal capital

Business Materials 17 September 2009 11:24 (UTC +04:00)

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Sept. 17 / Trend , H.Hasanov/

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in collaboration with the Central Bank of Turkmenistan (CBT) held a seminar on countering money-laundering and terrorism financing in Ashgabat.

The seminar was attended by the representatives of the Turkmen banks, as well as CBT and the country's Ministry of Finance. Turkmenistan has recently approved a law on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism.

The law, which came into force in late August this year, claims for banks to conduct a proper analysis of the client and to inform the public authority about suspicious transactions.

The British and Russian experts have discussed with their Turkmen partners the best examples of the international practice for a proper analysis of customer and the banking systems' meeting norms of countering money-laundering and terrorism financing.

The seminar is part of a project supported by Switzerland and executed by the IMF.

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