Azerbaijan, Baku, Feb. 26 / Trend U.Ismayilova /
The third certification process of appraisers in Azerbaijan will be held in mid-April, Amil Ismayilov, the coordinator of the Azerbaijan Society of Appraisers, said today.
"Courses for certification participants will be held approximately Apr. 5-10 and examinations Apr. 15-20," Ismayilov said.
The society of appraisers received confirmation on presence of experts of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Russian Society of Appraisers (RSA) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) at the exams.
Examinations will be conducted by seven appraisers, who have been certified in the first and second certification processes.
The first phase of appraiser certification in Azerbaijan was held in March 2009 and three appraisers passed this process. Four appraisers were certified in the second stage, which took place in June 2009.
The process of certification assessment activities in Azerbaijan is part of IFC's program to develop a mortgage in Azerbaijan and Central Asia in cooperation with the International Center for evaluation and the Azerbaijan Society of Appraisers.
Examiners at the first two phases of certification were Igor Artemenkov, an IFC consultant on the project, and Hamid Mamajanov, deputy chairman of the Qualification Commission of PSR.
Appraisal activity in Azerbaijan is regulated by the law 'On appraisal activity,' adopted in 1995.
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