To define the real monopolists in the country the Economic Development Ministry asks State Statistic committee for the first-hand data on the businesses acting in the country. The State Statistical committee data is necessary to register the monopolies, the anti-monopoly policy department, Rahim Huseynov told Trend.
According to the Statistic committee the non-official service business now makes up to 18% of total level in Azerbaijan (with the growth of oil sector share in the GNP its share is decreasing, previously it made up 20%). The international experts think that uncontrolled business now makes up 57-63% in Azerbaijan. According to Huseynov, it is only 38-42%.
Thus, it is hard to make an exact list of monopolists, preliminary version of the list was composed at the end of the last year, but considering the fact that it was incomplete it needs to be worked out. Though, even according to this list the number of businesses is huge. There are 197 monopolists; 98 of them are natural monopolists and 99
are industrial ones, according to the current state register.
In order to compose a register local experts are studying the experience of more than 20 countries and department ` s representatives have paid a visit to Korea and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia to learn from their experience.
The necessity to compile a new register comes out of the fact that previous one was composed on 2002 data. Considering the small size of the country, every business if properly managed can affect the performance of market and it can become monopolist with time, Huseynov thinks. He also added that the current project will not only register the businesses but also check the legality of their activities.