Kazakhstan, Astana, Dec 21 /Trend K.Konyrova/
North-South transit was broken three times these days in the Kazakh Unified Energy System (UES) in connection with the electrical power takeoff by the Uzbek power system, KEGOC company said on Wednesday.
"The level of surges ranged from 400 to 700 MW," the message said. "Thanks to prompt actions of KEGOC company's staff, turning on the transit lines North - South and restoring the parallel operation mode were ensured in a short time (30 minutes). The level of generation was maintained thanks to the emergency control. This prevented the complete shutdown of the electricity among the consumers of the southern region of Kazakhstan."
The separation of the Kazakh south zone from the United Energy System of Central Asia was accompanied by short-term constraints in the electric power of Kazakh consumers.
"Uzbekistan violates the intergovernmental agreements on the parallel operation," the statement said. "As a result, KEGOC suffers commercial losses."
According to the information, the numerous requests, including the letters from the Kazkah government to the leadership of Uzbekenergo remain without an answer. "System operator KEGOC stands for separate operation taking into account the ensuring safe operation and a stable supply of Kazakh consumers," the statement said.