TEHRAN, Iran, Sep. 20
According to Iran's parliamentary plan to reorganize the car industry, the car imports may be conditionally admitted, a member of Iran's Parliament said, Trend reports citing Tasnim News Agency.
Referring to the amendments of the parliament's Industries and Mines Commission on the plan to reorganize the auto industry, Iranian MP Mehdi Askari announced the positive votes of 172 MPs in favor of the amendments of the Industries and Mines Commission.
“This plan emphasizes that car imports should not create any new obligations for the government,” he said.
According to the plan, the lifting of ban the importation of any car will be applied conditionally, he added.
“The import of cars must be in exchange with the export of cars or car parts or any other services related to the auto industry,” Askari noted.
Noting that the plan is designed to balance and regulate the domestic market, MP added that the import of electric or hybrid vehicles is allowed, while the gasoline and diesel fuel cars must have a B Energy Label or higher.
Emphasizing that the implementation of the plan requires the approval of the Guardian Council, he noted that the aim of this plan is to support the consumer and the producer, at the same time.