BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 24
By Klavdiya Romakayeva - Trend:
UNDP (United Nations Development Program) provides assistance to economic development and improvement of living standards in non-hydrocarbon sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan, UNDP told Trend.
According to the information, over the past 25 years, UNDP in Turkmenistan has become a trusted strategic development partner of the government. UNDP has supported the country to address complex development issues across sectors and accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“To support national development agenda UNDP partners with the Government of Turkmenistan and other development organizations on a broad spectrum of issues relating to democratic governance, environment and energy, and human development,” UNDP noted.
UNDP in Turkmenistan is guided by its Country Program Document (currently Country Program 2021-2025), and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025, which are in line with the strategic priorities of the Government of Turkmenistan, enshrined in the Program of the president of Turkmenistan on Socio-economic Development of the Country for 2019-2025.
It is reported that the new Country Program Document 2021-2025 which serves as the basis for the new cooperation cycle has seen endorsed by UNDP Executive Board on September 3, 2020. The new cooperation agreement includes the following priorities:
• Implementation of governance reforms towards more effective and transparent public administration, based on international standards and Turkmenistan’s commitments to rule of law, human rights and gender equality;
• Design and implementation of policy and regulatory reforms to promote economic development and better livelihoods in the non-hydro-carbon sectors of the economy, increased private sector competitiveness and trade, digitization, innovative and effective banking, and the creation of decent jobs, including in the care economy;
• Support Government and other partners to implement effective measures for climate adaptation and mitigation and management of natural resources, and disaster risk reduction;
• Strengthen health and social protection system performance to deliver higher quality and more inclusive services, with a focus on control of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, increasing prevention and response capacities for pandemics, improving treatment for non-communicable diseases, and expanding coverage of social protection for vulnerable groups.
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