
CIS government heads sign slew of accords in Turkmenistan's Ashgabat

Turkmenistan Materials 25 May 2024 10:53 (UTC +04:00)
Aman Bakiyev
Aman Bakiyev
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ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, May 25. A meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Council of Heads of Government was held in the capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, during which a number of documents were adopted, Trend reports.

According to the organization, in particular, the participants of the meeting, represented by the Prime Ministers of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, signed and approved the concept of cooperation in the field of energy for the period up to 2035, the Concept of further development of cooperation in the field of chemical industry, the concept of cooperation in the field of hazardous waste management waste management and liquidation of objects of accumulated environmental damage, as well as Plans of priority measures for their implementation.

At the meeting, it was decided to declare Ashgabat the city of new sports opportunities of the Commonwealth.

Furthermore, the heads of government also signed an action plan to optimize infrastructure and develop international transport corridors passing through the territories of the CIS member states for the period up to 2030.

The heads of state approved the updating of the agreement on cooperation in the creation of joint national telemedicine systems and their further development and use.

The next meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States was decided to be held on November 7-8, 2024, in the Russian Federation.

