The film "Gold and Cooper" directed by Homayoun Asadian received Grand Prize in Italian 2011 Religious Today Film Festival, which ran on October 14-26 in the Italian city of Trento, ISNA reported.
Also another Iranian film "Halimeh" directed by Tahereh Hassanzadeh won the Women and Religions Prize of the festival. Houshang Mirzai's "Taftan" has participated in the Portraits section of the event.
Organized by the Association Bianconero, Italy's Religion Today Film Festival aims to promote a mutual understanding between individuals, peoples, faiths and cultures. This year's festival held educational workshops about religious cinema on the sidelines of the event.
The film tells story of a man willing to study religious science despite problems in his life, but he suddenly attains spiritual calm through employing faith and hope in his own life.
The film persuasively shows how everyday problems can lead people toward spiritual path.
The Iranian film has already been screened in Georgia's Batumi, Canada's Vancouver and the US's Palm Springs film festivals as well as some other events across the world.