
Protests against increase of public transit fees continue in Yerevan

Armenia Materials 24 July 2013 17:42 (UTC +04:00)

Protests against the increase of tariffs for public transport continue in Yerevan on Wednesday, Armenia Today reported.

Active citizens have been handling out leaflets on buses and minibuses, defiantly paying 100 dram for transport instead of 150, urging the people to follow their example..

It is already the forth day of protests in Yerevan against the price hike in public transport. The new tariffs on public transport entered into force on July 20: 150 dram for shared taxi and buses, instead of the previous 100 dram. 100 dram for trolleybuses instead of the previous 50 dram. Against the background of tariff increases on gas and electricity, the new price hike caused youth protests.

Many experts believe that the price hike in public transport is unreasonable; proving that, the 100 dram tariff also provides profit for business entities under current circumstances.

The official exchange rate for July 24 is 411.0000 AMD/USD.

