
Georgia brings more people on board in commercial sector

Georgia Materials 17 June 2024 10:16 (UTC +04:00)
Ingilab Mammadov
Ingilab Mammadov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 17. Georgia's commercial sector enterprises employed 749,400 people during the first quarter of 2024, which is 4.6 percent higher than the figures for the same period in 2023, the statement of the National Statistical Service of Georgia said, Trend reports.

Over the year, the number of hired workers in the commercial sector increased by 3.8 percent to 703,200. Labor costs amounted to 4.3 billion lari ($1.4 billion) for the first quarter, which is 17.1 percent more than the same figure for 2023.

The average monthly salary in Georgia's commercial sector during the reporting period reached 1,985 lari ($764), up by 226.3 lari ($78.8) year-on-year. Specifically, the average salary of women amounted to 1,559 ($543.2), an increase of 163.7 lari ($57) compared from January through March 2023.

Another interesting fact is that women make up 43.5 percent of the workforce, while men account for 56.5 percent.

The total turnover of enterprises in Georgia hit the jackpot at 48.9 billion lari ($17 billion) during the first quarter of 2024, which is a whopping 10.7 percent higher than in the same period of 2023.

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