Amr Moussa, an Egyptian national and head of the Arab League, said Friday he planned to quit his job in the coming weeks because he has new plans.
Speaking on Egyptian state television, Moussa did not say what these plans were, but there has been widespread speculation he might want to run for the presidency in Egypt, dpa reported.
The resignation of president Hosny Mubarak on Friday has opened the door for him. Moussa has previously said he would consider running if Mubarak were to step down and free elections were to be held.
Moussa served as Mubarak's foreign minister for 10 years before taking over the Arab League in 2001.
In another interview, Moussa said he was confident his country will choose the right path following the resignation Mubarak.
"I am optimistic that we will choose the right path for Egypt and the Egyptian people," Moussa said on CNN. He added that Mubarak's resignation means "we have achieved what the people wanted."
Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman announced Friday that Mubarak had resigned after more than two weeks of mass protests seeking to oust his nearly 30-year authoritarian regime.
Suleiman said Mubarak had transferred power to the armed forces higher council. Moussa said the council will determine who leads the country.