
Broadcast journalist killed in southern Philippines

Other News Materials 23 February 2009 08:13 (UTC +04:00)

A radio broadcaster was killed Monday by unidentified gunmen in a southern Philippine city, the second journalist to be killed this year, a police report said, dpa reported.

Ernie Rollin was on his way to work when gunmen shot him in the village of Talic in Oroquieta City, 765 kilometres south of Manila, the report said.

The victim was parking his motorcycle at the gasoline station before taking a bus ride to his work when two motorcycle-riding gunmen approached and fired at him. He died on the spot.

Rollin, in his mid-40s, was known for hard-hitting commentaries against graft and corruption in the southern region of Mindanao.

Earlier in January, another broadcast journalist was killed in Cotabato City, also in the southern Philippines.

In 2008, seven journalists were killed, while four journalists were killed the previous year. In 2006, 13 journalists were killed. Most of the killings remained unresolved.

