
German defence minister orders investigation

Other News Materials 23 January 2011 06:44 (UTC +04:00)
German Defence Minister Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has ordered an investigation of the military following a recent spate of problems, including an alleged mutiny on a naval vessel and accidential shooting death of a soldier in Afghanistan, according to a report Sunday.
German defence minister orders investigation

German Defence Minister Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has ordered an investigation of the military following a recent spate of problems, including an alleged mutiny on a naval vessel and accidential shooting death of a soldier in Afghanistan, according to a report Sunday.

Guttenberg told a German newspaper Bild am Sonntag the comphensive investigation of the Army, Navy and Air Force will be carried out to determine the extent of possible erratic behaviour over the last year in violation of German military standards, dpa reported.

Guttenberg has come under criticism in the last week over a series of military embarrassments, prompting Chancellor Angela Merkel to come to his defence. Guttenberg on Friday dismissed the commander of the navy's training ship "Gorch Fock" after a death on board, rumours of a mutiny and reports of sexual abuse.

A 25-year-old female cadet fell from a yardarm to her death on the deck of the Gorch Fock in November, while the ship was off north- eastern Brazil. There were reported allegations of a subsequent mutiny.

Guttenberg ordered the ship, in waters off Argentina, to immediately return to Germany and that the commander, Norbert Schatz, be relieved. There were further allegations that officers sexually abused one trainee on the ship.

   Guttenberg's office has been accused of mishandling information on the death of a soldier in Afghanistan, and there were claims of tampering with letters sent home by by soldiers in the same small unit.

   Soldiers there claim that someone tampered with their mail last year. Later, a soldier was shot dead in a 12-man tent at the outpost. So far the Army has said the killing was an accident resulting from the mishandling a loaded pistol.

