Azerbaijan, Baku, Nov 29 /Trend H.Veliyev/
The world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals Thomson Reuters has provided free access to the databases Web of Knowledge ( to the academic community of Azerbaijan, the Institute of Information Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) told Trend on Thursday.
The database will be available to the units of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan free of charge until December 14.
Web of Knowledge is a common search platform that combines several abstract databases, including multidisciplinary database, Web of Science, the database of the National Library of Medicine U.S. Medline, a database of biological subjects Biosis, a database of patents worldwide Derwent Innovations Index, etc.
Thomson Reuters unites industry-specific knowledge with innovative technology and provides key information to leading players, which are making decision in the areas of finance, risk, legal, tax, accounting, intellectual property, science and the media.
Free access to electronic library of Springer ( will also be provided for the units of ANAS and universities of Azerbaijan.