Azerbaijan, Baku, 11 March / corr Trend D.Khatinoglu / The international isolation of Iran due to their nuclear plans offers potential conditions for survival of radical forces. "Should pressure on Iran increase, the activation of radicals are likely to pose a danger," Jafar Muhammadi, the Iranian political specialist, told Trend .
Manuchohr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister, stated in a news conference on 9 March that official Tehran will disclose its position on new sanctions passed on the nuclear program of the country in the near future. Mahammadali Huseyni, the press secretary of the Iranian Foreign Ministry commenting on the vote of China and Russia, permanent members of the UN Security Council, in favour of adoption of the resolution, said that official Tehran will revise diplomatic relations with these countries. Iranian political scientists are concerned about international isolation of the country.
"If radical forces in certain government bodies of Iran strengthen, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will exclude official Tehran from the convention against nuclear weapons. Iran has been acting within the law of IAEA and there has been no any evidence up to now that could prove that nuclear program of Iran is not peaceful. Illegal steps of the West evoke unexpected measures by Iran," Muhammadi, the director of the Asr-Iran Analytical Agency of Iran said by telephone from Tehran on 11 March.
Muhammadi said that the West must understand that the pressure on the Iranian government can end up in a war. "The ongoing pressure on Iran can make a country a source of danger as Pakistan, Afghanistan and North Korea. Iran is also likely to test nuclear weapons unexpectedly. The West should take this into consideration not only in words, but in its actions and hold discussions within the law," the Iranian political scientist said and added that after the last resolution of the UN Security Council was adopted, both the government and people of Iran are pessimistic of the international community, especially of the West and it actually is a dangerous signal.
Huseyn Lajeverdi, the other political scientist of Iran said to Trend by telephone that there are already radical groups in the Iranian government and the danger is real. "The election of Mahmud Ahmadinejad as President ended up with the complete transition of power in the hands of the radical forces. The fact that radical forces seized power is not attributed to the West, but to the discontent of the Iranian population with the government. Radical forces in Iran need a foreign crisis and war to eliminate their internal conflicts," Lajeverdi, the chairman of the Association of Researchers of Iran said from Paris.
On 3 March the UN Security Council adopted the third resolution with regards to Iran, demanding the cessation of uranium enrichment.