Azerbaijan, Baku, 24 June / Trend corr. E.Babayev / A court hearing over Agil Khalil, journalist of the Azadlig newspaper, stabbed in the chest, was held in the Nasimi District Court on 24 June.
On 13 March, at 8.00pm Agil Khalil, a journalist of the Azadlig newspaper, was stabbed in the chest. He was immediately taken to the Clinical Medical Centre where he was operated on. Later, Khalil said that he was watched by two unknown persons and connected the latest attack on him with another incident that took place in the territory of the Oil garden'.
The investigation has proved that Strekalin attacked on Khalil, who had sexual relations.
Strekalin has been accused of stabbing the journalist on the Article 127.1 (calculated homicide) and 234.1 (illegal drug acquisition) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijani Republic.
The criminal case on the fact of stabbing of the journalist in the territory of the 'Oil-garden' was suspended.
The State Prosecutor's Office said that there was not sufficient evidence to prove that Khalil was assault in metro on 7 May. Furthermore, the Office denied the information about moral and physical pressure against the journalist and members of his family during the investigation process,
Akif Malikov, Khalil's lawyer, said that Khalil would not participate in the process due to knife injuring.
The Court made a decision to hold next process on 1 July and with participation of Khalil.
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