
Azerbaijani SOCAR rejects accusations on oil sales to Israel

Society Materials 3 June 2024 12:45 (UTC +04:00)
Ingilab Mammadov
Ingilab Mammadov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 3. Accusations on oil sales to Israel are unfounded, Azerbaijan's SOCAR Türkiye said, commenting on the accusations, Trend reports.

“Recently, due to the ongoing geopolitical changes in the region, SOCAR Türkiye and its affiliated companies have been targeted by subversive groups through both social media and physical actions.

These groups have been spreading provocative messages on social media, making baseless claims that our company engages in crude oil trade with Israel, and physically attacking our company premises, thereby endangering the safety of our employees. The escalating provocations against our headquarters building in Istanbul on March 12, May 29, May 31, and June 2, as well as the Bursaqaz office building in Bursa on May 24, pose a serious threat to the lives of our staff.

We conduct all our operations in accordance with international business agreements and the vision set forth by our head office, the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR). In this context, allegations that SOCAR is currently selling crude oil to Israel are unfounded and are deliberately intended to mislead public opinion.

The global oil market has its own complexities, and the sale of crude oil is carried out through trading companies. Supplying companies, including SOCAR, do not have the ability to control or dictate the destination and usage of the crude oil once it is sold. SOCAR, like other oil companies, sells its products through trading relationships with relevant trading companies. Therefore, it is impossible for us to control or interfere with the final destination and usage of the crude oil supplied by SOCAR.

The investments and collaboration efforts of SOCAR Türkiye are rooted in the robust bonds of brotherhood and friendship between Türkiye and Azerbaijan, as well as the strategic alliance and mutual interests of our people. Over the 16 years of our presence in Türkiye, we have emerged as the largest foreign investor and the leading integrated industrial group in the country, with investments totaling approximately $18.3 billion. Our strategic megaprojects, such as STAR and TANAP in the oil and gas sector, have significantly contributed to Türkiye's economic landscape. These endeavors have also created direct employment opportunities for over five thousand six hundred individuals and indirectly supported more than ten thousand employees across various cities.

Our efforts to enhance our existing investments in Türkiye through new ventures are ongoing. Our contribution to alleviating the current energy deficit largely hinges on the economic value and employment opportunities we generate, as well as the numerous social responsibility initiatives we undertake. We are dedicated to the social welfare of the regions where we operate. Since the onset of the tragic earthquake, we have stood in solidarity with the Turkish people, providing both free fuel support and delivering essential supplies to the affected areas, a commitment we continue to uphold. Moreover, we are offering educational assistance to tens of thousands of students through the establishment of 11 schools across various cities in Türkiye. Demonstrating our commitment to social responsibility, we persist in our endeavors in education, environmental conservation, and community engagement.

While we vehemently reject baseless allegations put forth by certain provocateurs, we urge against placing reliance on these statements and actions aimed at manipulating public opinion and tarnishing our longstanding fraternal ties. We remain steadfast in our commitment to the shared interests and prosperity of the Turkish and Azerbaijani people. As encapsulated by our company slogan, "Stronger together," the company stated.

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