
Azerbaijani wrestlers win gold medals in Budapest

Society Materials 9 June 2024 23:02 (UTC +04:00)
Azerbaijani wrestlers win gold medals in Budapest
Ingilab Mammadov
Ingilab Mammadov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 9. Two Azerbaijani Greco-Roman wrestlers won gold medals in a rating tournament held in Budapest, Hungary, Trend reports.

On the last day of the competition, Eldaniz Azizli (55 kilograms) met with Marat Garipov from Brazil in the final. Having defeated his opponent with an absolute advantage (9:0), the Azerbaijani athlete rose to the highest step of the podium.

Khasrat Jafarov (72 kilograms) defeated the Egyptian Mustafa Alameldi with a score of 5:2 in the decisive match and won the champion title.

Sanan Suleymanov (77 kilograms) lost to Japanese Nao Kusaka in the semifinals - 1:2.

Previously, Azerbaijani freestyle wrestler Magomedkhan Magomedov (97 kilograms) won a silver medal, and Haji Aliyev (65 kilograms) won a bronze medal.

