Azerbaijan , Baku, July 13 /Trend/
On July 12, the total amount of 435 million shares, with the value of IRR 1,490 billion was traded.
22 percent went to the retail trades with the total 26 percent of the whole trading volume. Rest of the amounts belonged to whole sale and block trading.
Tehran Stock Exchange's (TSE) main indices movements are shown below on July 12, 2011:
Index |
July 12 |
July 11 |
Changes |
Unit |
Percent |
24,387 |
24,503 |
-116 |
-0.5 |
20,826 |
20,943 |
-117 |
-0.6 |
28,521 |
28,470 |
51 |
0.2 |
FFA Index 4 |
31,527 |
31,665 |
-138 |
-0.4 |
1. Price & dividend
2. Price and dividend of first market
3. Price and dividend of second market
4. Free Float Adjusted Index
1 USD = 10, 568 IRR
TSE opened in February 1967. Today TSE has evolved into an exciting and growing marketplace where individual and institutional investor trade securities of over 420 companies.
All transactions must be carried out on the Trading Floor using the Exchange's Automated Trading System (ATS). Trading is conducted from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for cash market and from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm for futures market, Saturdays through Wednesdays, with the exception of public holidays, including a pre-opening period of 30 minutes starting from 8:30 am.