BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 29
By Klavdiya Romakayeva - Trend:
The highest growth in Business Index Activity (BIA) in Uzbekistan in May was noted in the Samarkand region amounting to 35.9 percent, Trend reports referring to the Center for Economic Research and Reforms (CERR).
According to the CERR, Uzbekistan’s BIA in May 2021 decreased by 8.2 percent and amounted to 918 points, compared to the previous month, which is explained by a decrease in the number of transactions on bank accounts of business entities by 9.5 percent, the same level of operating economic entities (0.0 percent), a decrease of the intensity of purchasing raw materials at the commodity and raw materials exchange by 10.7 percent and decrease of trademarks by 19.2 percent
Thus, in May 2021, the BIA for six Uzbek regions increased compared to the previous month, including Samarkand (35.9 percent), Syrdarya (33 percent), Surkhandarya (31.9 percent) regions, and in the Karakalpakstan Republic (31.1 percent).
At the same time, there was a significant decline in relation to the previous month in Fergana (decrease of 11.3 percent), Khorezm (10.4 percent), Kashkadarya (9.9 percent), and Namangan (6.5 percent) regions.
In addition, the number of interbank payment transactions in May 2021 amounted to 4,576,800 and decreased by 481,300 transactions (9.5 percent) compared to April 2021.
In May 2021, the number of banking transactions between legal entities decreased in all regions compared to the previous month. In particular, the most significant decline was observed in Namangan (17.8 percent), Samarkand (15.5 percent), Surkhandarya (15.1 percent) regions, and in the Karakalpakstan Republic (17.2 percent).
At the Republican Commodity Exchange, the total turnover in May 2021 amounted to 5.4 trillion soums ($513 million), which is 2.6 percent less than in the previous month.
Moreover, despite the increase in the overall number of operating economic entities by 7,283 units in May 2021 in relation to the previous month (546,867 units), this component decreased due to the reduction of large enterprises, the share of which is 27 percent.
Also, during the reporting period, the number of small businesses increased from 436,742 to 443,497 units. The number of farms increased from 106,941 to 107,585. The number of operating large enterprises amounted to 3,068 units, which is 116 units less than in April 2021.
As of the index of protected trademarks, in May 2021 it amounted to 0.8079, which means a decline of 19.2 percent compared to the previous month. In May of this year, legal entities registered 265 trademarks and trade names.
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