Coordinator for Credit under State Guarantee and Head of the Technical Assistance and Grants Department of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan, Nail Fataliev, informed Trend that the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) has made a resolution on inclusion of 6 cities (three along the Kur River and three in the northern part of the country) into the project on improvement of water supply and sewage system in the country, at the proposal of the Government of Azerbaijan.
A mission of the Bank will visit Baku to carry out the evaluation.
The cost of the project is $150-160mln. Hitachi company carried out analysis of water in these cities and offered the government of Azerbaijan to organize a joint production of water treatment blocks.
However, the results of analysis revealed that they cannot treat Kur water in line with the international standards. In connection with the problem with the treatment of Kur water Azerbaijan was proposed to exclude three cities from the project in exchange to others, where water can be raised to international standards. Fataliyev noted that the government refused to exclude them and proposed to use other treatment facilities, which could be applied by other companies.
The enterprise was established on the base of existing plants of the machine-building complex. Presently location is being selected. In case with establishment of JV both sides will raise investments, while these expenses will not be included into the budget of the project.