Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Feb.15 / Trend H. Hasanov /
The State Concern Turkmenneft in January 2011 increased oil production by 1.4 percent compared to last year, producing over 450,000 tons of raw materials, the Concern said.
According to the report, this structure extracts oil in the country's western fields. It is noted that Goturdepe oil producers succeeded in "the search for new opportunities to increase hydrocarbon production", as more efficient pumps, produced in Germany and Finland, are used here at all operational wells.
Turkmenistan annually produces about 10 million tons of oil and from 2010 actively started to use the route through neighboring Azerbaijan to export raw materials.
In addition to the main miner of raw materials - the State Concern Turkmenneft, oil operations in the country are also conducted by companies from Malaysia, England, UAE and other countries.
The Turkmen Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources notes that a growth rate hit 106 percent compared to January last year in oil and gas condensate extraction in the whole country since the beginning of the year.
Turkmen oil is refined in oil refineries in Turkmenbashi and Seydi. In
oil-refining industry the highest growth rates are recorded in the production of gasoline - 117.8 percent and diesel fuel - 108.5 per cent, polypropylene - 132.8 percent, lubricating oils - 130.6 percent and liquefied natural gas - 128.4 percent.
It should be noted that Turkmenistan during conducting exploratory operations in the hydrocarbon fields actively cooperates with foreign service companies on a tender basis. In the near term it is planned to hold an international tender for 3-D prospecting seismology with volume of 500 square kilometers in the northern part of the Goturdepe field, as well as conducting 2D prospecting seismology in the transit zone of the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea.
A contract with a company from Kazakhstan "Azimut Energy Services" to conduct 2D, 3D - prospecting seismology in the northern part of the Southern Yoloten - Osman field. A selection is carried out by an international tender for drilling 3 exploratory wells with depth of 5,000 meters in the territory of the south-western Turkmenistan - highly prospective to reveal petroleum accumulations in the Miocene and Mesozoic sediments.