
Azerbaijan, Bulgaria explore possibility of joining forces in energy domain

Oil&Gas Materials 1 July 2024 18:17 (UTC +04:00)
Kamran Gasimov
Kamran Gasimov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 1. Azerbaijan and Bulgaria have discussed the potential for cooperation in the energy sector, Azerbaijani Economy Minister Mikail Jabbarov wrote on X, Trend reports.

The publication notes that a meeting was held with Bulgarian Energy Minister Vladimir Malinov.

"We discussed future directions of economic ties between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria, as well as the potential of cooperation in energy, trade, and industrial sectors," the publication reads.

To note, the sixth session of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria was held on July 1.

The Bulgarian Energy Minister noted during the meeting that the energy sector occupies a special place in the bilateral cooperation between the countries.

"Azerbaijan is a strategic partner of Bulgaria in the energy sector. I would like to note the regular and constructive dialog between the energy ministries of the two countries. We express our sincere gratitude to Azerbaijan for supporting the Bulgarian government's efforts to diversify the sources and volumes of supplies," he emphasized.

Following the meeting, a protocol was signed. The document envisages further development of bilateral cooperation between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria in the spheres of economy, agriculture, food security, energy, transportation, information and communication technologies, healthcare, environment, and tourism, as well as scientific-technical, humanitarian, and social spheres.

Meanwhile, Bulgaria has been receiving gas from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz field on a long-term basis since 2021. Since 2023, SOCAR also supplied its surplus gas to Bulgaria whenever the opportunity arises.

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