
Armenia's hate policy towards Azerbaijanis is serious concern, says ombudsman

Politics Materials 21 August 2023 12:11 (UTC +04:00)
Humay Aghajanova
Humay Aghajanova
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 21. Ideas that are a manifestation of the policy of Azerbaijanophobia are continuously spread by Armenians in social networks and through various channels, says Azerbaijan's commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) Sabina Aliyeva, Trend reports.

"Among the published comments, such approaches as "wipe Azerbaijan off the face of the earth", various nefarious provocations against our country stand out, which is connected with the formation of an atmosphere of intolerance towards Azerbaijanis against the background of calls for ethnic hatred that have become part of Armenia's state policy.

Especially in recent days, the widespread discussion of calls to target representatives of the Azerbaijani state and diplomats in social networks has caused serious concern.

It is known that Armenia has historically pursued a policy of terror against various Turkish-Azerbaijani diplomats and statesmen. Even nowadays such criminal acts are presented as heroic, a monument of the same name is erected to the terrorist operation "Nemesis", various influential persons refer to these terrible "traditions" in their speeches, which leads to the support of these terrorist ideas by the population.

In the name of establishing peace in the region, the Armenian side should abandon its policy aimed at inciting hatred against Azerbaijanis, and the relevant international organizations should take necessary measures to prevent this policy, which contradicts the fundamental principles of human rights," the message reads.

Recently, Armenians threatened Azerbaijani ambassadors with death in social networks.

