Baku, Azerbaijan, March 6
By Rufiz Hafizoglu – Trend:
Turkey’s METRORAY İNSAAT ELEKTROMEKANİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.S. won the tender for the laying of new tram lines in the country’s north-western Eskisehir city.
The tender was announced on March 5, 2018.
Seven companies took part in the tender. The project cost is 79.8 million Turkish liras.
According to the tender conditions, the company is expected to extend tram lines during 420 days.
The modern tram system has been in operation in Eskisehir city since December 24, 2004. The length of the tram line to Eskisehir city is 14.5 kilometers.
(3.8230 TL = $1 on March 6)
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