
Uz-Kor Gas Chemical JSC opens tender for video surveillance system installation

Tenders Materials 12 April 2023 10:41 (UTC +04:00)
Nazrin Babayeva
Nazrin Babayeva
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 12. Uzbekistan’s Uz-Kor Gas Chemical JSC has announced a tender for installation of the video surveillance system.

The tender documents are accepted until 15:00 (GMT+5) May 10, 2023.

Potential bidders may obtain a full package of tender documents at the following address: Turtkul Guzari str 121, Nukus City, Karakalpakstan region of Uzbekistan.

To participate in the tender, a company must meet the following criteria:

- not being at the stage of reorganization, liquidation, or bankruptcy (submit a certificate from the tax inspection and the bank);

- must be established at least 3 years before the announcement of the tender (submit notarized copies of the company's founding agreement);

- must have experience in installing video surveillance systems;

- must submit a tender offer in English and Russian.

When submitting an official letter, without fail, please indicate bank details and full legal address, in the following form: participant, address, phone, current bank account, currency account, city, and e-mail.

Tender documents must be delivered by courier mail to the following address: Zulfiyahonim str. 112, Shaykhontohur district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Additional information:

Contact: [email protected]

Phone: (+99861) 226-71-15,(+99878) 129 29 00 (ext.227)

