Baku, Azerbaijan, Sept. 6
By Fatih Karimov– Trend:
National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) has signed a contract with a French-led consortium on flare gas recovery.
The deal, worth 42 million euro was signed Sept. 6 between NIOC, a consortium of French Sofregaz and Iranian Samin company, the state-run IRINN TV reported.
Under the deal, a project will be implemented for South Pars Second refinery flare gas recovery and utilization (phases 2 and 3 of South Pars Gas field).
The project, once comes on stream, will recover 450,000 cubic meters of gas per day, which will prevent the emission of 500,000 tons of CO2 on a yearly basis.
Currently 10 refineries of South Pars are active, of which refineries 6-10 are new with about 3 billion cubic meters per year of gas flaring.
Iran plans to bring the flaring amount of all refineries to zero in the next five years.
The amount of total flaring in Iran is about 11.6 bcm/y, mostly from burning associated gas in the oil sector.
According to a document, prepared by Iran’s Oil Ministry, the total amount of CO2 emissions in Iran stands at about 602 million tons per year, of which the share of refineries is about 2 percent.
Iran burns about a third of its associated gas in platforms and refineries and some 3.5 bcm/y of gas is bunt in refineries, especially the newly commenced refineries of South Pars.