
Iran builds power station in Iraq

Politics Materials 20 July 2012 16:07 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, July 20 / Trend T. Jafarov /

Iran is building a steam and gas power station with 525 MW at its own expense in the Al- Heydariye district in the Iraqi city of Najaf, MEHR said today.

The plant construction will cost $300 million. Iraq imports 1,000 MW of electricity per day from Iran. So far, Iraq owed ​​Iran $500 million for energy imports.

According to the information, the power station construction is the gift to people and pilgrims of the Karbala and Najjar provinces.

The shrine of Imam Huseyn is situated in the Iraqi city of Karbala and the shrine of Imam Ali in the city of Najaf.

