Tashkent, Uzbekistan, March 16
By Demir Azizov- Trend:
Uzbek-Chinese joint venture 'New Silk Road Oil & Gas Company Ltd' plans to start developing gas condensate fields at the Karakul investment block in Uzbekistan's Bukhara region in May, 2016, leadership of the Uzbekneftegaz National Holding Company (NHC), which is a co-founder of the joint venture, told Trend.
On March 11, joint venture 'New Silk Road Oil & Gas Company Ltd' announced two tenders for the selection of contractors for the fields' development - for the provision of services for construction of 11 production wells, as well as repair and testing of the wells.
"It is planned to sum up the results of the tenders in late April-early May 2016 in order to start production drilling by the end of the year," the representative of the 'Uzbekneftegaz' said.