
University in Turkey's Elazig province to buy dental tools via tender

Tenders Materials 15 November 2019 10:49 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Nov. 15

By Rufiz Hafizoglu - Trend:

Turkey's Fırat University, located in the country's Elazig province, has announced an open tender to purchase seven sets of dental tools and chairs for its dental faculty.

Both local and foreign companies can participate in the tender.

The tender will be held at 10:00 (GMT +3) on Nov. 21, 2019.

Those willing to participate should send their requests and proposals to: Fırat Üniversitesi Elazığ Merkez/Elazığ.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (+90 424) 237 86 84

Fax: (+90 424) 237 89 86

Tender participation fee is 200 Turkish liras ($34.6).

(1 USD = 5.7674 TRY on Nov. 15)


Follow the author on Twitter: @rhafizoglu

