TEHRAN, Iran, Sep. 13
The Iranian government has announced that it resumes Vienna negotiation but expects other sides to be present in Vienna with a logical approach and see the realities, said Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman, Trend reports citing IRNA.
Iran would not accept anything less than the JCPOA saying that the US has violated the 2231 resolution and imposed sanctions, Saeed Khatibzadeh has indicated.
"Still we have not seen any indication of the change," he said referring to the lack of change in the US approach.
The official noted that the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran is a member of Iran's negotiating team and the technical and nuclear working groups of negotiations are directly guided by the AEOI.
Khatibzadeh also noted that the IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi's visit to Iran was in the framework of some issues between the two sides that was done based on technical approach and there were good negotiations, these subjects were not new issues and were done in line with collaborations.
"It was agreed that Iran and IAEA's cooperation would continue in technical cooperation framework," he said considering Grossi's visit to Tehran as successful.
The spokesman added that Iran and the IAEA's interactions are normal and technical as long as the IAEA preserves its non-political and non-discriminatory aspects, Iran would seriously pursue its relations with the agency.
He stressed that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) access to the memory of video cameras in Iran nuclear sites is possible if an agreement is reached, the IAEA is doing its work without access to videos and memory cards.
In January 2016, JCPOA was launched between Iran and the P5+1 group (US, Russia, China, UK, France, and Germany) in connection with Iran's nuclear program. In May 2018, the US announced its withdrawal from the deal and imposed sanctions on Iran in November of the same year.
To preserve the agreements reached as part of the JCPOA, the European signatories of the deal started in January 2019 that a financial mechanism for maintaining trade with Iran called INSTEX was formed.
On May 8, 2019, Iran announced that it had ceased fulfilling its commitments regarding the sale of over 300 kilograms of uranium, as stated in the deal, basing its decision on the other signatories that have not fulfilled their obligations. On July 7, Iran announced that it will not be fulfilling its commitments regarding the enrichment of uranium at 3.67 percent and the reconstruction of the Arak Heavy Water Reactor Facility as stated in the deal.
Iran announced that it will enrich uranium using next-generation centrifuges and will not mix it with the enriched uranium residues as part of the third step of reducing commitments in JCPOA on Sept.5.
On Nov. 5, 2019, Iran announced that it took the fourth step in connection with reducing its commitments to the nuclear agreement. So, uranium gas is being pumped to the centrifuges at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant. On Jan.2020, Iran took the last fifth step in reducing the number of its commitments within JCPOA.
As reported, in late 2020, the Iranian parliament has decided to implement a strategic plan to tackle the sanctions, citing the non-implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed between Iran and six countries and the imposition of sanctions on Iran. According to the decision of the Iranian parliament, as of February 23, Iran suspended the implementation of additional steps and an additional protocol provided for in the nuclear deal.
The US imposed new sanctions on Iran in November 2018. Over the past period, the sanctions affected Iranian oil exports, more than 700 banks, companies, and individuals.