
Baku hosts business forum of Ministry of Education and Caspian European Club

Economy Materials 7 May 2015 12:46 (UTC +04:00)

Reforms and prospects of development in the education system as well as possibilities for cooperation with a private sector have been discussed today (May 6) at the business-forum held by the Caspian European Club and attended by Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mikayil Jabbarov.

Addressing the business forum, Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Mikayil Jabbarov emphasized the importance of discussion of the local education development issues within the framework of the Caspian European Club events. "The goal of our youth is to gain knowledge for its further use in professional life. In this regard, the education system should always consider employers' opinion. Therefore, discussions within the framework of the Caspian European Club are very important and allow creating a platform for practical use of knowledge obtained at higher education institutes", the Minister emphasized.

Minister spoke about the activity and projects that the ministry implements, about plans aimed at development of the education system, touched major aspects of elementary, secondary and higher education in Azerbaijan. He also touched the issues arising in the occupational education system.

According to him, after presidential elections which took place in 2013, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev approved a state strategy on education development, containing 5 major pillars determining the future activity. Proceeding from this strategy, the head of state of Azerbaijan approved a plan of actions, i.e. a "road map" which fixes the dates and concrete proposals for reaching the strategy's objectives. "It is a very interesting document for all parties, both for students and for other representatives of the community", he emphasized and noted that the document provides new opportunities, especially, in terms of implementation of business prospects.

The Minister also touched five major directions of the strategy. In particular, a teacher factor is of importance, the Minister noted. In this regard, reforms, concerning the increase of the teachers' salaries, and their workload have been implemented. "It is a very important reform which promotes achievement of important goals in the years ahead and envisages a number of other reforms. It also concerns those who enter higher education institutes with higher points and choose a teaching profession. Special scholarships have been arranged for them", he said.

He also noted about qualification growth trainings that are held for teachers whose total quantity exceeds 150,000. The similar programs are implemented for school directors as well.

Speaking about the infrastructure development, the Minister emphasized that there are 4,481 schools operating in Azerbaijan. Besides, about 3,000 schools have been built and renovated throughout the period of independence. This process is still ongoing.

He also spoke about the "difference" between the paid and state education agencies. According to him, there are about 3 mln students in Azerbaijan. Of this total, 1% that makes about 10,000 people studies at paid schools. "Unlike state schools, private schools have a different resource. The state is responsible for providing qualitative education to everybody. So, starting from the next year, we plan to introduce a system focused on certain subjects", M.Jabbarov emphasized.

Minister also spoke about the content of the education which is getting more modern.

"We must determine the educational standard, in other words, certain knowledge that a graduate of a higher education institute must possess. Private companies will unwillingly employ a graduate who gained education 10-15 years ago. For this reason, capable and intellectual human resources must be developed", the Minister emphasized.

M.Jabbarov also emphasized that the Ministry had offered to change the system of stipend payment to students. In other words, scoring of high points at entrance exams, a future student will get a free education. But a state stipend will depend on his grades at higher education institute. In this way, a new system will lead to the growth of competition of academic progress between the students.

Apart from this, a system of minimum amount of points required for entering certain faculties of Higher Education Institutes will be introduced starting from this year. It will be done for securing further education of future students in certain fields.

Discussed during the meeting were proposals made by business-forum participants on this issue, including issues that were of interest to Caspian European Club member companies.

Addressing a business forum, Chief Executive Officer of the Caspian European Club Telman Aliyev provided information about Caspian Energy forum. He expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Education for stable support and active dialogue with member-companies of the Caspian European Club. T.Aliyev thanked Mikayil Jabbarov for a constructive dialogue as well as for attention to proposals and requests made by Caspian European Club member companies.

According to him, the companies obtained answers for questions that were of interest to them, and discussed ways of cooperation with the ministry.

He said the Caspian European Club was established in June 2002 with active participation of Caspian Energy International Media Group and under support of the largest oil and gas companies working in the Caspian and Black Sea region. His Excellency President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is the Chairman of the Caspian European Club. According to Telman Aliyev, the Caspian European Club has promoted attraction of oil sector revenues into development of the non-oil sector since its establishment. Caspian European Club, which brings together over 5,000 member companies and organisation, is operating in 50 countries around the world, carrying out an active work to maintain the dialogue between government agencies and the private sector.

Caspian European Club Honorary Membership Certificate has been presented to Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mikayil Jabbarov. Certificates were also given to new member companies of the Caspian European Club. Participating in the business forum of the Caspian European Club were executives of companies and representatives of a number of diplomatic agencies accredited in Azerbaijan.

