Russia, Moscow, 20 February / corr. Trend R. Agayev/ The presidency of Serj Sarkisyan, in Armenia, will change nothing in the process of regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. "There is no need to expect any revolutionary changes regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, after taking into account the biography and views of the future president", Vladimir Jarikin, the Russian analyst of high rank said.
The former prime minister and the chairman of the Republican Party of Armenia -Serj Sarkisyan gained 52.86% of votes in the presidential elections, held on 19 February.
"It will be an exaggeration to say that the results of the presidential elections in Armenia are unexpected. The outcomes were predictable, however the Government wanted to gain more than 53% of the votes," Jairkin, the deputy director of the Institute of CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries said in his interview with Trend on 20 February.
According to expert, the supporters of Lev Ter-Petrasyan, the opposition candidate, would not calm down and will demand the re-counting of the votes once again. However, the outcome of the elections is convincing enough, because Ter-Petrasyan gained not many votes, less than 50%, therefore it will be difficult for his supporters to speak about his victory.
The contradicting opinions of the analysts concerning democratic elections in Armenia will not destabilize the situation in the country. The only stabilizing factor not to hold an active policy of colour revolution with regard to Armenia is the very influential and strong Armenian Diaspora in the United States, he said.
The analyst did not comment on whether Robert Kocharyan will be the Prime Minister and said that the former president will still be included in the government of Armenia, but now it is difficult to say which position he will hold.
Jarikin said that there will be no changes in Armenia-Russia relations and the course pursued during the period of the later president will be continued.