Serbia, Belgrade / corr Trend E.Huseynli / The Azerbaijani Government cannot guarantee ecological security in the occupied territory of Azerbaijan and it represents problems for the environment, Huseyngulu Bagirov, the Azerbaijani Minister for Ecology and Natural Resources, said on 11 October in Belgrade during the 6th Conference of Ecology Ministers.
The minister especially stressed the pollution of Serseng water reservoir located in the territory of Armenian-occupied Azerbaijani territory and transborder rivers, which supply Azerbaijan with drinkable water.
To prevent the pollution of transborder waters the Azerbaijan Government installed water treatment devices. The minister regarded the pollution of transborder rivers as national ecological problem.
With respect to climatic changes damaging Azerbaijan, the minister noted the frequent overfloods in the Big Caucasus which has doubled since mid 20th century. Global ecological problem made the Caspian level fluctuating. Over the last 30 years the sea level increased by 2.5 times ad over 10,000h of lands turnover out under water. The country experienced a damage worth $2bln.
The minister said that Azerbaijan established a special commission on management of hard garbage line with the international standards.