Azerbaijan, Baku, Jan. 13 / Trend K. Zarbaliyeva /
The women, who have legal education, do not strive to become lawyers in Azerbaijan.
Only 11 percent (67 people) among 600 people who apply for admission to the Bar, are women, deputy chairman of the Bar Association Farhad Najafov told Trend.
He said that more than 125 women deal with advocacy in Azerbaijan.
Roughly 392 people among the candidates have a registration in Baku, 23 - Ganja, 22 - in Sumgait, 11 - in the Absheron area, and 10 - in Agdam.
Najafov added that the date of test exams of the first round of the competition will be announced in late January.
The documents were received on July 15, 2010. The process ended on December 3.
In 2005, roughly 359 lawyers expressed their desire to take part in the competition, in 2007 - 441, and in 2009 - 506 lawyers.
The admission to the bar is held in two stages - the written test exam and interview.
The written examinations are conducted by the State Student Admission Commission.
The written exam consists of 100 questions. The candidates getting 60 and more points are allowed to participate in the second round of competition - interview.
Azerbaijan holds one of the last places on the number of lawyers among the European countries. According to the information, five lawyers fall to every 100,000 people in Azerbaijan.
Roughly 778 lawyers are the members of the Bar of the Azerbaijan Republic.