
AzMeCo company establishes scholarship for students of chemical faculty of Moscow State University’s Baku branch

Society Materials 1 August 2013 13:27 (UTC +04:00)

The owner of the first methanol plant in the region, the AzMeCo Company established a new scholarship for students of chemical faculty of the Baku branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

This special program, which is one of the AzMeCo's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects, has been designed to support the education and motivation of the best-trained and successful students, and to encourage the development of professional specialists for the future of the petrochemical industry in the country.

The scholarship is intended for students of four courses, studying at the Department of Chemistry of the institution.

For the bachelor degree course students the program has allocated eight scholarships. Contest for the "AzMeCo"'s scholarship is held by the Contest Committee which is appointed by a joint decision of the Rector of the branch and the Chairman of the Board of the "AzMeCo" Company.

According to the results of the contest 4 students of chemical faculty will gain the right to receive the "Gold Scholarship" in the amount of 150 AZN per month, and another 4 students - the "Silver Scholarship" in the amount of 100 AZN.

Upon completion of the course of study the company plans to provide these students with the employment opportunities. In addition, the scholarship holders who are studying at the III-IV courses will receive the opportunity of practical training at the AzMeCo's methanol plant.

The Chairman of the Board of the AzMeCo Company Nizami Piriyev noted that qualitative education and development of the young generation in our country is the basis for its future prosperity.

Therefore, the support and encouragement of students studying at the leading universities of the republic is the duty of every responsible citizen.

"We plan to continue participation in such projects, and will pay attention to education in the future," Nizami Piriyev said.

