
British Council brings together Creative Spark program partners, teachers, and educators for workshop on Embedding Enterprise Education into Curriculum at ADA University (PHOTO)

Society Materials 16 December 2021 15:22 (UTC +04:00)

The British Council, in close partnership with the higher education institutions in Azerbaijan, organised a Creative Spark programme workshop on 15 December 2021 dedicated to sharing the best practices on how the enterprise education can be integrated into the curriculum.

The workshop brought together the Advisor to the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ulkar Sattarova and educators from partner universities such as University of Kent, Middlesex University, as well as ADA University and Khazar University. The speakers’ panel also featured experts from the British Council, and a graduate the University of Kent’s School of Politics and International Relations who is the founder of MeWeUs Foundation. This workshop will enable participants to evaluate their own learning activity, objective, or assessment with an entrepreneurial education lens and develop strategies for embedding entrepreneurial learning into pedagogy and curriculum

Delivery of enterprise skills packages to students, graduates and creative entrepreneurs is an integral part of our five-year Creative Spark initiative in South Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine.

The programme is delivered through seven international partnerships involving 16 universities and creative institutions in Azerbaijan and the UK. In addition to directly funding the partnerships, the UK is offering students in Azerbaijan various opportunities and professional development courses on topics ranging from pitching ideas and starting a business, to protecting intellectual property and securing financial support.

