
Prime Minister: Civil war in Syria may spill over into Iraq

Politics Materials 8 October 2013 11:16 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Oct. 8 / Trend R. Hafizoglu /

There are subversive forces interested that the civil war in Syria spreads to Iraq, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said, Al Jazira Arabic TV channel reported on Tuesday.

According to him, a serious conspiracy is afoot against Iraq.

He also added that currently the problems in the region can be solved only by uniting the efforts of all countries.

According to official statistics as recent as early October 2013, as a result of attacks in Iraq, 200 people died and 4900 received injuries of various degrees of severity.

Clashes between government forces and the armed opposition have been continuing in Syria for over two years. According to UN statistics, the total number of victims of the conflict in Syria exceeds 110,000 people and nearly three million are in need of humanitarian aid.

