Oil market
The situation in the oil market was characterized with sharp fall in oil prices. Despite the maintenance tension in the Near East, the oil prices fall due to fixation of incomes. Maximal drop in Brent oil prices was fixed on 17 July, when fell by$1.85 per barrel.
Last oil prices in the urgent market rose $3.35, or 4.6%. Over the week Brent oil prices rose $3.76, or 5.1%, while WTI (Light Sweet) prices rose $2.94, or 4.0%. By the end of the week the futures oil prices beat new records, for the first time exceeded $78 pr barrel.
OPEC set up price of oil basket in the end of the last week in the record figure, exceeding $71 per barrel.
Currency market
As a result of the last week official rate of manat in regard to US dollar, set by the National Bank of Azerbaijan grew 0,0018 point or 0.18%. Average rate was established as 0.89278 manats per 1 US dollar, Trend reports.
Last week maximum rate of US dollar in respect to manat was established on 10 and 11 July (0.8935 manats per 1 US dollar), minimum 14 July (0.8917 manats per US dollar)
As of results of the last week exchange rates of Azerbaijani manat in regard to US dollar, established on the base of results of the Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BICEX) increased by 0,0023 point or 0.23%. Average rate was fixed as 0.89182 manats per US dollar.
Last week maximum rate of US dollar in respect to manat was established on 10 July (0.8928 manats per 1 US dollar), minimum 14 July (0.8905 manats per US dollar).
Deals concluded last week at BEST with transition to currency (T+0) comprised $8.1m with average sustained exchange rate of 0.8928m AZN/USD on 10 July, $2.320m with average sustained exchange rate of 0.8924m AZN/USD on 11 July, $35,460m with average sustained rate of 0,8923 AZN/USD on 12 July, $1,395m with average sustained rate of 0,8911 AZN/USD on 13 July and $1,579m with the rate of 0,8905 AZN/USD on 14 July.
No deal was concluded with Russian ruble and euros last week due to absence of appeals
Privatization shares prices
In this period prices of vouchers were stable and comprised 79,000 old manats (15.8 AZN).