Mr. Jayhun Mollazade, president of Azqtel LLC is attending a GTI (Global TDD LTE Initiative) sponsored Work Shop in Osaka, Japan. The conference is being held from November 28 to November 29.
This workshop is being organized into a topic-oriented structure including a plenary session to share the latest progress from GTI Workshop groups and several joint sessions focusing on the latest progress on the key technologies of TDD and its evolution to 5G.
Topics of discussion include the usage of existing infrastructure to deliver high speed internet connectivity, voice over LTE, global phone which will work in different technologies and frequencies.
Fifth generation (5G) wireless networking technology envisages delivering internet connectivity to users with speeds up to 1 Gigabit/sec. These speeds will be required to delivery video and other value added services in the foreseeable future. Information obtained from this conference will help Azqtel LLC to formulate strategies for evolution from fourth to fifth generation in the nearest future.