The Russian Marine Register of Shipping (RMRS) has certified the relevance of the major dry cargo Mirzaga Khalilov of the RSD17, built at Karsnoye Sormovo Shipyard of Russia at the order of the PALMALI Company, to ECO standard, Trend reports.
The requirements, set by RMSR this year, are not obligatory for ship-owners, but the brand ECO testifies that the vessel hold higher security standard from the aspect of environmental protection, which meets MK MARPOL73/78 standard.
It comes as the first vessel of Russian production which holds ECO symbol. In turn, for RMSR it is the first classification of the vessel in line with the ECO standards. The dry cargo vessel built at the Krasnoye Sormovo meets all advanced ecological standards.
The commissioning of the second cargo of this series, named in the honor of the great Azerbaijani writers Ismayil Shikhli, is scheduled for 29 December 2006.
The contract envisages the construction of 5 dry cargos for the project. The leading vessel will be put into exploitation in November, while the rest 4 in October 2007.