
Electricity consumption decreases by quarter in Azerbaijan for five years

Oil&Gas Materials 21 November 2012 20:05 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Nov 21 /Trend E.Ismayilov/

Energy efficiency technologies must be widely used by the public sector to be widely spread, the representative of the state owned company on alternative and renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan Jamil Melikov said at a conference on Energy Efficiency: Economic and institutional aspects and perspectives on Wednesday.

"Energy efficiency technologies should be used at public and social welfare facilities in the first place in order for them to be applied by separate individuals and companies," Melikov said.

He noted that much has been achieved in the field of energy efficiency in Azerbaijan in recent years. In particular, the widespread installation of electric meters has led to a significant reduction in electricity consumption in the country.

Melikov said the consumption of electricity in Azerbaijan declined from 24 billion kilowatt / hours to 18 billion kilowatt / hours during 2007-2011.

During the conference adviser of EU's Azerbaijan representation on energy sphere Edyta Novak spoke about the plans for the development of alternative energy and energy efficiency in Europe by 2020 and 2030.

She noted that the European Union has achieved great results in terms of reducing emissions into the atmosphere, creating a greenhouse effect, well as in the field of alternative energy sources.

"The goal achievement on improving energy efficiency requires additional effort on the part of the EU, which are now being taken," Novak added.

