Azerenerji JSC plans to commission the thermoelectric power station in Babek region of the Nakhcheva Autonomous Republic (NAR) in the first quarter of 2006, the Azerenerji JSC vice-president Marlen Askerobv told Trend.
According to him, there are four turbines with the capacity of 16 MWt in NAR, purchased in 1992 in Turkey. After some years the specified generators were halted due to the lack of diesel fuel for them to operate. Currently they are being transferred to gas fuel with the help of the Italian FIAT company. Commissioning of the Iranian-Azerbaijani gas pipeline is projected by the year-end and the gas supply of NAR will be reinstated. It will enable to commission these turbines since the start of 2006.
Construction of the 90 MWt modular station is also planned in NAR in 2006. The demand of NAR in winter period is 250 MWt. However, at the result of the stable gas delivery this figure may drop yet in the current year.